Wednesday 25 January 2012

Next Paper

I also have been reading this paper which is significantly a good paper to read from siggraph I've read most of it so far but once i finish i will blog what i have discovered

Research Link

I forgot to post the link to Annah Hutchings paper so here it is
Click Here to visit Annah Hutchings Paper
The Video presented with Annah Hutchings work

Sunday 22 January 2012

Interesting Read/ Research

After reading the paper by Annah Hutchings  I feel I know a lot more about birds but her paper does focus on the feathers a lot which would be an awesome read if I get to the extension part of my project as I would like to add feathers to the wing I create and re create them in a realistic way.

Annah does talk a lot about different types of birds have different wings which I knew but she elaborates on this by saying certain birds who live in different habitats rock different wings for example a humming bird has wings that help it hover this is done by the joints been able to invert the wing and turn it upside down during the upstroke to help give an equal life and allowing it to hover, whereas a hawk has broad wings to soar through the sky which increase surface area to help it glide through the sky and there are high speed maneuverable wings which are placed so differently on a bird to the two other example, which tells me I need to pick a certain type of wing to simulate or this task will become too ridiculous if I find all this separate info and try implement it into the one wing.

I think her paper was really interesting and I’m definitely going to use her as reference she has given me a bit to think about and also given some good pointers on what to look out and research